Monday, June 15, 2015

Your Profitable Stock Trading Plan and Method

Jasper No.1 Trading method - Summary
Using the Jasper No.1 trading method for metastock is easy and perfect for someone new to trading with metastock or just looking for a straight forward and profitable trading plan for metastock.

Profit on 12 month test - $5,070.04
Investment - $5,000.00
Trading Platform - Plus500 CFD
Software - Metastock 11 (or newer)

Buy now
To demonstrate the success of this system we traded the system for the last 12 months on the ASX200 from 1 May 2014. We used a CFD account with Plus500, and deposited $5,000 cash to trade with, at the end of April 2015 we closed all our open trades and finished with a balance of $10,070.04, which is real profit after brokerage and interest costs for buying as CFDs.

And to show you how we did this we are giving you our trading diary with all search results and trades made in that 12 months.

How to move forward, and trade for profit
1. Install metastock 11 or newer

2. Signup to Plus500 trading account - click here

3. Buy and Download Jasper No.1 Trading method

4. Install Jasper No.1 trading method

5. Commence search with metastock explorer for stocks to commence trading

Trading Diary - ASX200 - Jasper No.1
1 May 2014
Jasper No.1 Metastock Trading method produced the following buy:
AGK - was not purchased due to a falling ECO

Buy Trades
Symbol, Buy Date Buy $ Stop $ No Shares
CAB, 1/05/2014, $3.85 $3.22 398
DLX, 1/05/2014 , $5.70 $4.97 342
HGG, 1/05/2014, $4.52 $3.79 344
MQG, 1/05/2014, $58.20 $52.25 42
SGP, 1/05/2014, $3.88 $3.52 697
NWS, 1/05/2014, $17.85 $15.93 130
OSH, 1/05/2014, $8.85 $7.91 267

1 June 2014
Jasper No.1 Metastock Trading method produced the following buy:
ORG - was not purcahsed due to drop in price on open of buy day
SVW - was not purchased due to a falling ECO

Buy Trades
Symbol, Buy Date Buy $ Stop $ No Shares
LLC 2/06/2014, $13.43 $11.97 150
GPT 2/06/2014, $3.92 $3.60 800
WPL 2/06/2014, $42.36 $38.15 59
ANZ 2/06/2014, $33.71 $30.90 89
NCM 2/06/2014, $9.78 $7.89 132
WES 2/06/2014, $43.53 $40.18 74
IGO 2/06/2014, $4.23 $3.23 250
BOQ 2/06/2014, $12.15 $10.80 189

1 July 2014
Jasper No.1 Metastock Trading method produced the following buy:

Buy Trades
Symbol, Buy Date Buy $ Stop $ No Shares
AMP 1/07/2014, $5.27 $4.73 466
TSE 1/07/2014, $1.12 $0.78 739
TCL 1/07/2014, $7.62 $6.63 253
FXJ 1/07/2014, $0.90 $0.71 1300
APA 1/07/2014, $6.59 $5.94 383
DOW 1/07/2014, $4.58 $3.48 228
LEI 1/07/2014, $19.83 $16.69 79

1 August 2014
Jasper No.1 Metastock Trading method produced the following buy:
AWE - was not purchased due to being on the edge of buy signal
STO - was not purchased due to being on the edge of buy signal
MGR - was not purchased due to being on the edge of buy signal
WBC - was not purchased due to being on the edge of buy signal

Buy Trades
Symbol, Buy Date Buy $ Stop $ No Shares
AAD 1/08/2014, $2.55 $2.08 539
IOF 1/08/2014, $3.56 $3.04 483
BWP 1/08/2014, $2.58 $2.23 463
TPM 1/08/2014, $5.43 $4.48 265
TLS 1/08/2014, $5.44 $5.12 786
WSA 1/08/2014, $4.89 $3.72 215

Closed Trades
Symble Sell Date Sell $ Revenue No Shares
MQG 7/08/2014 $55.80 -$100.80 42
HGG 18/08/2014 $4.10 -$144.48 344

1 September 2014
Jasper No.1 Metastock Trading method produced the following buy:

Buy Trades
Symbol, Buy Date Buy $ Stop $ No Shares
AMC 1/09/2014, $11.50 $9.97 163
SHL 1/09/2014, $17.58 $15.79 139
BLD 1/09/2014, $5.45 $4.65 314

Closed Trades
Symble Sell Date Sell $ Revenue No Shares
FXJ 15/09/2014 $0.78 -$156.00 1300
OSH 17/09/2014 $9.06 $56.07 267
ANZ 18/09/2014 $31.00 -$241.19 89
IGO 19/09/2014 $4.17 -$15.00 250
TLS 26/09/2014 $5.36 -$62.88 786
WPL 29/09/2014 $40.50 -$109.74 59
BOQ 29/09/2014 $11.55 -$113.40 189
LEI 29/09/2014 $19.98 $11.85 79
WES 30/09/2014 $42.00 -$113.22 74
BWP 30/09/2014 $2.40 -$83.34 463
WSA 30/09/2014 $4.24 -$139.75 215

1 October 2014
Jasper No.1 Metastock Trading method produced the following buy:
AWE - was not purchased due to being on the edge of buy signal

Buy Trades
Symbol, Buy Date Buy $ Stop $ No Shares
MQG 1/10/2014, $58.29 $52.80 45
APN 1/10/2014,  $0.82 $0.65 1230
SGM 1/10/2014, $11.34 $9.35 125
MQA 1/10/2014, $2.93 $2.21 351
CQR 1/10/2014, $3.84 $3.29 458
KAR 1/10/2014, $3.45 $2.60 296
SKI 1/10/2014, $1.83 $1.59 1056
SIP 1/10/2014, $0.78 $0.64 1880
CSL 1/10/2014, $74.22 $65.90 30
BKN 1/10/2014, $4.20 $3.04 216

Closed Trades
Symble Sell Date Sell $ Revenue No Shares
DOW 7/10/2014 $4.32 -$59.28 228
NWS 9/10/2014 $17.75 -$13.00 130
NCM 9/10/2014 $9.89 $14.52 132
AMP 13/10/2014 $5.13 -$65.24 466
DLX 14/10/2014 $5.30 -$136.80 342
CAB 15/10/2014 $4.91 $421.88 398

1 November 2014
Jasper No.1 Metastock Trading method produced the following buy:
AWE - was not purchased due to being on the edge of buy signal

Buy Trades
Symbol, Buy Date Buy $ Stop $ No Shares
ANN 1/11/2014, $20.06 $17.70 106
GMG 1/11/2014, $5.61 $4.86 334

Closed Trades
Symble Sell Date Sell $ Revenue No Shares
APN 17/11/2014 $0.71 -$141.45 1230
KAR 17/11/2014 $2.73 -$213.12 296
SHL 21/11/2014 $17.18 -$55.60 139

1 December 2014
Jasper No.1 Metastock Trading method produced the following buy:

Buy Trades
Symbol, Buy Date Buy $ Stop $ No Shares
CAB 1/12/2014, $4.70 $3.33 183
TTS 1/12/2014, $3.38 $2.98 638
RHC 1/12/2014, $53.26 $46.89 39
DUE 1/12/2014, $2.44 $2.22 1159
AWC 1/12/2014, $1.60 $1.22 668

Closed Trades
Symble Sell Date Sell $ Revenue No Shares
BLD 2/12/2014 $4.83 -$194.68 314
AAD 9/12/2014 $2.85 $161.70 539
TPM 12/12/2014 $6.55 $296.80 265
TSE 17/12/2014 $1.62 $369.50 739

1 January 2015
Jasper No.1 Metastock Trading method produced the following buy:
No recommended buys

Closed Trades
Symble Sell Date Sell $ Revenue No Shares
SGM 20/01/2015 $10.55 -$98.75 125
BKN 28/01/2015 $3.08 -$241.92 216

1 February 2015
Jasper No.1 Metastock Trading method produced the following buy:
IAG - was not purchased due to being on the edge of buy signal

Buy Trades
Symbol, Buy Date Buy $ Stop $ No Shares
DLX 2/02/2015, $6.05 $5.22 329
BXB 2/02/2015, $10.48 $9.20 196

Closed Trades
No closed trades

1 March 2015
Jasper No.1 Metastock Trading method produced the following buy:
No explorer search run and worked on closing out current trades

Closed Trades
Symble Sell Date Sell $ Revenue No Shares
AWC 17/03/2015 $1.71 $70.14 668
SKI 18/03/2015 $1.99 $168.96 1056

1 April 2015
Jasper No.1 Metastock Trading method produced the following buy:
No explorer search run and worked on closing out current trades

Closed Trades
Symble Sell Date Sell $ Revenue No Shares
CAB 21/04/2015 $4.51 -$34.77 183
ANN 29/04/2015 $25.95 $624.34 106
IOF 30/04/2015 $3.70 $67.62 483
SGP 1/05/2015 $4.45 $397.29 697
LLC 1/05/2015 $16.24 $421.50 150
GPT 1/05/2015 $4.47 $440.00 800
TCL 1/05/2015 $9.99 $599.61 253
APA 1/05/2015 $9.60 $1,152.83 383
AMC 1/05/2015 $13.55 $334.15 163
MQG 1/05/2015 $78.67 $917.10 45
MQA 1/05/2015 $3.34 $143.91 351
CQR 1/05/2015 $4.33 $224.42 458
SIP 1/05/2015 $0.86 $150.40 1880
CSL 1/05/2015 $90.00 $473.40 30
GMG 1/05/2015 $6.30 $230.46 334
TTS 1/05/2015 $4.02 $408.32 638
RHC 1/05/2015 $62.51 $360.75 39
DUE 1/05/2015 $2.52 $92.72 1159
DLX 1/05/2015 $6.43 $125.02 329
BXB 1/05/2015 $10.98 $98.00 196

The success of this system is clear, over the last 12 months on the ASX200 from 1 May 2014, we made $5,070.04 profit. 

We used a CFD account with Plus500, and deposited $5,000 cash to trade with, at the end of April 2015 we closed all our open trades and finished with a balance of $10,070.04, which is real profit after brokerage and interest costs for buying as CFDs.
Buy now
How to use Jasper No.1 Metastock Trading Method
Using Metastock Explorer to find stocks to buy
On the last day of each month we run the Jasper No.1 through the metastock explore, with the stocks you have decided to trade, such as the ASX200 in our example. From the list of stops it provides you simple move forward with buying the shares to a quantity that is comfortable for you.
We do recommend that you look at each stock and be comfortable before you invest your money, as you will see from our diary we were uncomfortable with a couple of recommended buys over the last 12 months.

Managing your open stock positions
We recommend reviewing your open positions daily, what you need to review your open positions for is approaching and breaching the trailing stop level. I recommend that you only review this once a day, preferable outside of the trading hours on the market.

Buy now
Jasper No.1 trading plan and metastock formula 
Detailed walk though for profitable trading
This trading plan is a profitable and suitable for traders who are limited in time to commit and/or new to technical trading and interpreting patterns and signals. The trading plan has a three (3) part buy signal, and a two (2) part sell signal.

Buy Signal 1
Golden cross for market green light
The golden cross over occurs when the 50-day moving average crosses and goes higher compared to the 200-day moving average. This signal typically has a high success rate so should be reviewed by every technical trader on a regular basis, for indices, indexes and stocks.

This indicator help clean out all the media's commentary and gives trader a strong overall understanding of the market and what the overall risk level of trades within that market are.

Golden Cross - MetaStock Formula (Indicator Builder)
Bull Market Signal when: 50 day average moves above 200 day average
Bear Market Signal when: 200 day average moves above 50 day average

Buy Signal 2
Golden cross for stock

Buy Signal 3
Ergodic Candlestick Oscillator above 0 for that stock
Originally created by William Blau, the Ergodic Candlestick Oscillator "ECO" can be described as a double smoothed ratio, of the difference between the the high(H) and low(L) prices to the  the close(C) and open(O) of each bar, and  for each bar.

Formula (1):  (MOV(MOV(C-O,5,E))26,E)/MOV(MOV(H-L,5,E))26,E))*100

Formula (2): ave1:=11; {ms says 25, esignal default is 32,vlad uses 11}
ave2:=4; {ms says 13, esignal default is 12,vlad uses 4}
ave3:=5; {esignal says5}

The Ergodic Candlestick Oscillator is often favored over delayed and smoothed indicators like the MACD and stochastic indicator as the Ergodic Candlestick Oscillator is not compressed or smoothed with long term averages.

This lack of compression or saturation like other oscillators prevents you from being delivered a false signal that would typically result in you exiting a trade. As we know long term trends are often presented with the MACD as early signs of a trend change, which can be a false signal due to the way the MACD calculators your signals.

When to buy with Ergodic Oscillator Indicator
As the Ergodic Oscillator indicator crosses above 0 into the positive BUY, and therefore,  as the Ergodic Oscillator indicator crosses below 0 into the negative SELL.  It is as simple as that.

Buy Signal 4 (optional)
Average Volume 
Depending on your trading risk and market you may want to only trade stocks with a minimum average volume each day. There is no perfect minimum volume for a trader to work with because it is relative to the amount of stock you are trading.

When you import this trading system you will find a series of average minimum volumes for you to consider what your level is.

Sell Signal 1
Ergodic Candlestick Oscillator below 0 for that stock

Sell Signal 2
Below Training Stop
An alternative to the percentage method is the Average True Range (ATR) trailing stop, which is our recommend trailing stop formula.

Trailing Stop ATR - MetaStock Formula (Indicator Builder)
pday:=Input("day of month", 1,31,1);
pmonth:= Input("Month", 1,12,1);
pyear:=Input("Year", 2000,2015,2013);
ATRmult:=Input("ATR mult", 1,20,7);

TSD1:=BarsSince(DayOfMonth()=PDay AND Month() = pMonth AND Year()=pyear);


With this indicator you simple need to enter the date you entered the trade and your multiplier of the ATR.

Buy now

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