Thursday, July 17, 2014

MACD Histogram Divergence - Metastock Explorer

Divergence from the MACD Histogram gives the strongest signals in the whole of technical analysis. The beloe MetaStock Explorer  looks for stocks exhibiting extreme divergence from the MACD Histogram.

ColA: md := MACD(); mdhist := md - Mov(md,9,E); Correl(((Sum(Cum(1)*( mdhist ),100))-(Sum(Cum(1),100)* Sum(( mdhist ),100)/100))/((Sum(Power(Cum(1),2),100))- (Power(Sum(Cum(1),100),2)/100)),((Sum(Cum(1)*C,100))-(Sum(Cum(1),100)* Sum(C,100)/100))/((Sum(Power(Cum(1),2),100))-(Power(Sum(Cum(1),100),2)/100) ),12,0)

Filter Column: colA and colA <-0.8
The above formula can also be combined with a volatility buy signal and a volume signal. The following addition is then made.

ColB The volatility buy signal H > Ref(C,-1) + 1.8 * Ref( ATR(10),-1)

ColC:  Volume 10% above the average of the previous 10 days V > 1.1 * Ref( Mov(V,10,E),-1)

Filter Column: colA AND colB AND colC AND colA <-0.80